There are a lot of web sites concerning the pinhole photography over the world. In Japan one can obtain useful information, for example, from the web site of Japan Pinhole Photographic Society (JPPS). Various kinds of introductory books on pinhole photography and photograph collections are also obtainable easily at bookstores or from internet mail-order shops as Amazon.
In this page I cite only materials which I referred directly to make the present web site. Some of the books are now out-of-print but except of classical literal materials most of them are available at a library or at a secondhand bookstore. Some classical books as those by Hokusai Katsushika, Bakin Kyokutei (Takizawa), and so on can be read at the National Diet Library of Japan (online usage is available). “Pinhole Photography” by Eric Renner is an excellent book which deals with pinhole photography comprehensively on its history, principle, techniques, and art productions. I consulted with the third edition of the book but now the fourth edition is available. Concerning the discovery of the pinhole phenomenon the research on the Paleo-Camera by Gatton is cited in the main part of this home page. Though there are many researches on the cave art in the western countries I was not able to find a similar research on the relation between the pinhole phenomenon and the cave art other than the of Gatton. As for the basic optics textbook we owed considerably “Hikari no Enpitsu (Pencil of Ray)”-series by Masao Tsuruta, though, unfortunately, it is written in Japanese.
◇All over the pinhole photography and optics
* Eric Renner, Pinhole Photography, Third Edition (Focal Press/Elsevier, Burlington, 2004).
* Matt Young, The Pinhole Camera, The Physics Teacher, December, 1989, 648-655 (Pinhole Visions – Archive 371).
* Masao, Tsuruta, ”Hikari no Enpitsu (Pencil of Ray 1: in Japanese,1984)”, “Zoku Hikari no Enpitsu (Pencil of Ray 2: in Japanese, 1988)”, (Shingijutsu Communications, Tokyo).
* Robert W. Wood, Physical Optics, 3rd Ed. (The Macmillan Company, 1934).
◇History of the pinhole photography (General)
* Yuji Yokoyama, ”Geijutu no kigen wo saguru (Investigating the origin of arts: in Japanese)” (Asahi-Sensho441, Asahi Shimbun, Tokyo, 1992).
* Kuniaki Nakagawa, ”Me no shisaku[Eizo no kigen](The origin of image: in Japanese)”(Bijutsu shuppannsha, Tokyo, 1997).
* Dick Teresi, Lost Discoveries (Simon & Schuster, New York, 2002).
* John H. Hammond, The Camera Obscura, A Chronicle (Adam Hilger Ltd., Bristol, 1981).
◇History of the pinhole photography (Paleolithic age)
* Matt Gatton,
* Eric Faure, Could a naturalist interpretation and the Paleo-camera hypothesis explain the relative unity in figurative Upper Paleolithic art in Western Europe?, Journal of Unconventional Theories and Research Volume 2, Issue 1, 2011.
◇History of the pinhole photography (Mo Ti, China)
* Taku Yamada,“Bokushi (Mozi: in Japanese)”(Shin-Kanbun Taikei 33, Meiji Shoin, 2007).
* Taku Yamada,“Bokushi(2)(Mozi: in Japanese)”(Shinshaku Kanbun Taikei 51, Meiji Shoin, 1987).
* Atsushi Takada, “The Thought of Mo-ching”, Essays and studies by members of Tokyo Woman’s Christian College 15 (1) pp.1-46.
* Banroku Ohtsuka,”Bokushi no Kenkyu(Research on Mozi: in Japanese)”(Morikita-Shoten, Tokyo, 1943).
* Joseph Needham and Wang Ling, Science and Civilization in China, Volume 4 Part 1 Physics (The Syndics of Canbridge University Press, England, 1962).
◇History of the pinhole photography (After Renaissance)
* David C. Lindberg, Theories of Vision from Al-Kindi to Kepler (The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1976).
* Costantino Sigismondi, Federico Fraschetti, Measurements of the solar diameter in Kepler’s time,The Observatory 121, 380 – 85 (2001).
* Jarosław Włodarczyk, Solar eclipse observation in the time of Copernicus, Proceedings of the 2nd ICESHS(international Conference of the European Society for the History of Science), Cracow, Poland, September 6-9, 2006, Editor: Michal Kokowski Online Edition
◇History of the pinhole photography (Edo period, Japan)
* 葛飾北斎、富嶽百景 第三編(書肆永楽屋東四郎、1835)(現代版:葛飾北斎_富嶽百景、芸艸堂、2004)(Hokusai Katsushika, Hundred Scenes of Mt. Fuji: in Japanese).
* 滝沢馬琴、阴兼阳珍紋図彙(かげとひなた珍紋図彙)(仙鶴堂、1803(享和3) (Bakin Takizawa, Illustrated book of novelties on the sun and the shade: in Japanese).
* 滝沢馬琴、羇旅漫録(畏三堂、1802(享和2)?) (Bakin Takizawa, Essay on coaching: in Japanese).
◇Application of the pinhole photography(Astronomical observation)
* 清水一郎、小野実、小山ひさ子、<天体観測シリーズ(8)>太陽黒点の観測(恒星社厚生閣、東京、1969)(Ichiro Shimizu, Minoru Ono, and Hisako Koyama, Observation of sunspots: in Japanese).